Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Thanks Guys!

David Jay...a well known photographer and Jasmine Star...another amazing wedding photographer came to KC last night and had a seminar. It was SOOOO inspiring! It was definitely one of better seminars I've ever been to. I came away feeling both excited and exhausted at the same time. I'm doing a whole revamp on my biz (as you have already seen by my website colors and style). I started about two weeks before this seminar and now feel like I've got TONS more to think about! Ah! It's craziness... But I'm Sara Tafoya (well...Howell) So I'm going to succeed! It's time to spend some good, quality time with the Lord and see where he wants me to go with all this. In the mean time, below is an image of Jasmine in the middle and my friend/client and now fellow photographer Claire :) You girlies totally rock!


Claire Ryser said...

yay! woo hoo! We are 3 totally hot chicas!

Jasmine said...

so nice meeting you...i hope our paths cross again!