Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Congrats Zach & Beka!

This super cute couple just got married in Iowa about two weeks ago. They had a HUGE wedding and wedding party! Thirteen bridesmaids and thirteen groomsmen! Wow! You guys know half the midwest! lol :)


Jennifer was my next brave senior in Sedalia! She was so fun and energetic! I loved her beautiful prom dress!

Dusting off the sewing machine...

Back when I was in highschool I used to sew ALL the time. My grandmother and mom taught me and I used to make dresses and skirts and stuff like that. Well I haven't sewed since then but I'm going to try to figure it out again. I've been to store and after store and haven't found the exact print I've been looking for for pillows for the couch! So I've decided to make my own...yikes! Do you like the material I picked out?!

Finally New House Pics!

Okay so here's my office BEFORE PAINT...

And here's AFTER!

Here's the BEFORE PAINT living room...



After PAINT!

The Master Bedroom BEFORE PAINT...


The hallway and guest bedroom still need to be painted and we haven't even touched on my studio but when we do, I'll be posting pics for sure! :)

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

First Sedalia Senior!

Miss Cassie was my first brave senior to try me out here in Sedalia. We went to the famous Liberty Park and then around downtown. She was so cute and we had lots of fun. :)


Here's a few images from my good friend Laura. She did great! She's so beautifully tall and has a great smile! I

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Rainy Day Bridal

My friend Sara came in town from Washington, D.C. for her bridal session just last week! Unfortunately it decided to rain :( But we were so fortunate to find some cool places to shoot at! We had a blast :) Good job Sara!

Gracie Lou's Takin Off!

My lovely assistant of over 3 years in now starting to shoot more and more in the KC area. Seniors are her specialty since she's young herself and she's DA BOMB! Check out her new blog at to keep up with her side of our biz KC!

Thanks Guys!

David Jay...a well known photographer and Jasmine Star...another amazing wedding photographer came to KC last night and had a seminar. It was SOOOO inspiring! It was definitely one of better seminars I've ever been to. I came away feeling both excited and exhausted at the same time. I'm doing a whole revamp on my biz (as you have already seen by my website colors and style). I started about two weeks before this seminar and now feel like I've got TONS more to think about! Ah! It's craziness... But I'm Sara Tafoya (well...Howell) So I'm going to succeed! It's time to spend some good, quality time with the Lord and see where he wants me to go with all this. In the mean time, below is an image of Jasmine in the middle and my friend/client and now fellow photographer Claire :) You girlies totally rock!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Still Paintin...

We are working like crazy to get this house painted! It's taking a while because of our work schedules but every moment we have off we're rolling. Here's a pic of the master bedroom. It's very RED!!! Yikes! We had to put THREE COATS on! This is a pic of Josh on the first coat...

Here's our finished living room color. Can't wait to decorate!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Weekend Warriors!

So Josh and I spent Friday to Sunday night non-stop painting the new house. We were sooo exhausted by the end of the weekend! But we got a lot done, too. You can see the before and after pics and some of the rooms in the we go along in our painting adventure, I'll keep ya updated!

Before "Burnt Orange Paint"

After! LOL :) And altho it appears that Josh didn't do much...he really did.

Here's what we looked like at the end... 2am

Here's some of the other rooms we still have to paint!

Master Bedroom...going to be a deep red.

My Office...not sure what color yet. Thinking blue-ish grey? Any suggestions???

The Guest Bedroom...not sure yet on this one either. Probably "Mustard Yellow". Any thoughts???

Friday, August 1, 2008

Lana's an Okie!

My lovely friend Lana just had her beautiful wedding in her new town of Stroud, Oklahoma. She just recently moved there from KC to marry the handsome Cory. Me and some of the bridesmaids took a trip down past Tulsa to be a part of their special day. It was a blast! I'm so glad I was invited to shoot :) Here's a sneak peak! You guys rock!